Thursday, March 6, 2008

CT Scan

I have been having these sinus problems for awhile. Many times, the evenings after I go surfing, I will develop serious sinus congestion and sinus headaches that lasts for as long as a couple days. I went to my doctor, and he suggested I get a CT Scan on my sinuses.

On Tuesday I went in for the Scan. I had never had a CT Scan before, so I was certainly curious as to what it might involve. Unfortunately it was not much different than an x-ray. Pretty uneventful.

When I was done, I asked the technician if I could look at the Scan. She told me no, that is was a privacy issue. I told her I wanted to put the pictures on my blog, but she still wasn't swayed.

Well anyway, I got an email from my doctor today. If you aren't familiar with Kaiser, they do alot of their patient/doctor correspondence via email. Very cool in my opinion, but I am part of that generation who is used to using the internet for everything.

Here is the email he sent me.

Mr. Lipert,
Your CT scan showed mild sinus disease. I hope your sinuses are improved. How are things going?


Hogan Shy MD

CT scan -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Minimal mucosal thickening associated with sphenoid, left ethmoid
and inferior left frontal sinuses. Right frontal and right
ethmoid sinuses substantially clear. Minimal right maxillary
sinus mucosal thickening with mild mucosal thickening associated
with floor of left maxillary sinus. Patent right ostiomeatal
unit. Mild soft tissue density may obstruct left ostiomeatal
unit. There is leftward nasal septal deviation. Probable debris
in the external auditory canal on the right.

Mild sinus disease.

Does anyone know what this means? Mild Sinus Disease? For Crying out loud, this message might as well have been in spanish.

I go see him next Tuesday. Hopefully he can shed a little more light on my "Mild Sinus Disease". Preferably, maybe how to cure it? I am also going to see if I can't get myself some copies of the CT Scan to upload here on the blog. I'll let you know how it goes.


bobby said...

Privacy? Seriously? What, are they protecting you from knowing too much about yourself? That's just a weird excuse.

And I didn't get it either. Disease always sounds worse than the word infection though.'re diseased! I don't know if I can hang out with you anymore!

Unknown said...

I dont know Ryan, I am in the same boat, my doctor said your CT scan shows mild sinus disease and referred me to an ENT and alergist. I see them on Friday. I was left just as clueless. I know I have headaches daily and snore truly too loud for my husband. Which interupts my precious beauty sleep. If you find out any more info, ill be checking in. Good luck!